THe master list of homestuck ship names
John/John: Prank War
John/Rose: Grimdorks
John/Dave: Hammertime, Pepsi Cola, America, Windy Time, Prankster Gangsters, Herolance Bromance, Movie Knight, Brofriends
John/Jade: Prospitcest, Dorkcest
John/Jane: Cakeship, Prancake
John/Jake: Windicuffs
John/Roxy: Do the Whisky Thing, Breathalyser, Saviour of the Dreamers
John/Dirk: Prince of Fresh Air
John/Karkat: Communism, Hammer and Sickle, Johnkat, CrabCakes, Vanbert, Boyfriendleaders
John/Tavros: Breathplay, Breath Bros
John/Nepeta: Teacup-Cakes, Air Shipment
John/Terezi: Blues Clues
John/Vriska: Nic-Caged, Do You Reme8er Me, Heirachnid, Con Heir, Spider8reath
John/Equius: Heir Force One
John/Eridan: Johnafin
John/Meenah: Stormy Seas
John/Dad: John Loves His Daddy, Daddy Dearest
Rose/John: Grimdorks
Rose/Dave: Dersecest, Knightlight, Snarkcest, Sunburst
Rose/Jade: Gun 'n Roses, riflerose
Rose/Jake: Gun 'n Roses
Rose/Roxy: Lalondecest, Wizard Shippers
Rose/Sollux: Bees in a Rosebush
Rose/Nepeta: Octopussy
Rose/Kanaya: Rosemary, Hot Lesbians on a Meteor, Grimsnark
Rose/Terezi: Seership
Rose/Vriska: Lightship
Rose/Eridan: Wizard shipping
Rose/Feferi: Tentacleshipping, The Innsmouth Look
Rose/Mom: Lalondecest
Dave/John: Hammertime, Pepsi Cola, America, Windy Time, Prankster Gangsters, Herolance Bromance, Movie Knight, Brofriends
Dave/Rose: Dersecest, Knightlight, Snarkcest, Sunburst
Dave/Dave: Timelords
Dave/Jade: Bitch in Heat, Time and Space, Christmas, Space Time Continuum, Strawberry Kiwi, Harley Davidson, Mistletoe, Space Jams
Dave/Jake: Super Mario Bros, Adventure Time
Dave/Roxy: Time for a drink, AND NOW YOU ARE BANGING HER, appletini
Dave/Dirk: Stridercest
Dave/Karkat: Knightsmanship, About bloody time, Red Knights, Knights of the Red Table, One knight Stand, Crab Apples, Movie Knight, Penis Ouija, That Time of the Month
Dave/Aradia: Double time, Time Warp
Dave/Tavros: Time for Sick Fires, Timetabull, Redbull, Burned Disc, Caramel Apples, A Knight and his Page, S'mores, TaDa, Knight Ride
Dave/Nepeta: Coolcat
Dave/Sollux: The birds and the Bees, Applebees
Dave/Terezi: Cherry Glare, Just in Time, Socially Unacceptable Art, Ironically Red, coolk1ds
Dave/Vriska: Blood in the Ocean, Hot Water, Firefly in a Spiderweb
Dave/Equius: Knight Mare
Dave/Gamzee: Strawberry Jam, Jam^2
Dave/Bro: Stridercest, Major Dirk Sucking
Dave/Dad: Father Time
Jade/John: Prospitcest, Dorkcest
Jade/Rose: Gun 'n Roses, riflerose
Jade/Dave: Bitch in Heat, Time and Space, Christmas, Space Time Continuum, Strawberry Kiwi, Harley Davidson, Mistletoe, Space Jams
Jade/Jake: Guncest
Jade/Roxy: Lime Martini
Jade/Karkat: Kats 'n Dogs, Fuckasses Fucking
Jade/Tavros: Fairy God Ship, Bulldog, Bullfrog, Mint Chocolate/Mint Chocolate Chip
Jade/Sollux: Coding at 3 in the Morning
Jade/Nepeta: Iced Tea, Cats and Dogs
Jade/Kanaya: Spaceship
Jade/Gamzee: Clown Dog
Jade/Feferi: The Witches, The Dreamers, Horror Cuties, Tanglebuddies
Jade/Eridan: Dogfish
Jane/John: Cakeship, Prancake
Jane/Jake: Prospitcest, SkullCake
Jane/Roxy: Cotton Candy, Betty Cocktail
Jane/Dirk: Fun with Dirk and Jane, Thinking With Portals
Jane/Karkat: Crabcakes
Jane/Sollux: Honey Bun
Jane/Nepeta: Teacup-cakes
Jane/Gamzee: Cannibutter
Jane/Feferi: The Heiresses, Ship of Life
Jane/Calliope: Key Lime Pie
Jake/John: Windicuffs
Jake/Rose: Gun 'n Roses
Jake/Dave: Super Mario Bros, Adventure Time
Jake/Jade: Guncest
Jake/Jane: SkullCake, Prospitcest
Jake/Roxy : Double Pistols and a Wonk, Double Pistols and a Drink, Panache and Stagger, Shotgun, Our Drunken Adventure
Jake/Dirk: Save a Horse Ride an Adventurer, Pistol Pony Rodeo, Peas and Carrots, Skullcap, Ireland, Gunblade, Brokeback Mountain, Applejacks, Popping caps and collars, Portal Panromantics, Portal Pals, Cooling Cake, Broccoli & Cheese, Pistol Pony Rodeo, Sherbet, Pumpkin Rodeo
Jake/Aradia: Adventure time, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Green Skull
Jake/Sollux: Double Butler Island
Jake/Nepeta: Greenmanship
Jake/Eridan: Hopeshipping
Jake/Araena: Skulls 'n' Spiders
Roxy/John: Do the Whisky Thing, Breathalyser, Saviour of the Dreamers
Roxy/Rose: Lalondecest, Wizard Shippers
Roxy/Dave: Time for a Drink, AND NOW YOU ARE BANGING HER, appletini
Roxy/Jade: Lime Martini
Roxy/Jake: Double Pistols and a Wonk, Double Pistols and a Drink, Panache and Stagger, Shotgun, Our Drunken Adventure
Roxy/Jane: Cotton Candy, Betty CocktailRoxy/Dirk: Cat in the Hat, My Little Brony: Drinking is Majyyk, Le Sign, Dunkin Donuts, Passion Fruit and Mango, Dersecest, Sherbert
Roxy/Meenah: Dreamers and the Dead, Drunken Fish, Beer Goggles, Fish Flambe, Lobster Flambe
Roxy/Sollux: Long Island Iced Bees, Hackertime
Roxy/Nepeta: Going Rogue
Roxy/Equius: Shipping Void
Roxy/Gamzee: Motherfucker, the hangover, Mardi Gras, wonkhonk
Roxy/Eridan: White Wixards, Wwizards!, Shipping is Majyyk, Scarf Shipping, Together Alone
Roxy/AutoResponder: Martini Glasses
Roxy/Calliope: Margarita, jUjUbabes
Roxy/Caliborn: JuJuBABES
Dirk/John: Prince of Fresh air
Dirk/Dave: Stridercest
Dirk/Jane: Fun with Dirk and Jane, Thinking With Portals
Dirk/Jake: Save a Horse Ride an Adventurer, Pistol Pony Rodeo, Peas and Carrots, Pumpkin, Skullcap, Ireland, Gunblade, Brokeback Mountain, Applejacks, Popping caps and collars, Portal Panromantics, Portal Pals, Cooling Cake, Broccoli & Cheese, Pistol Pony Rodeo, Sherbet, Pumpkin Rodeo
Dirk/Roxy: Cat in the Hat, My Little Brony: Drinking is Majyyk, Le Sign, Dunkin Donuts, Passion Fruit and Mango, Dersecest, Sherbert
Dirk/Sollux: Honey and Clementines
Dirk/Nepeta: Ship of the Heart
Dirk/Kanaya: Rainbow Dash
Dirk/Equius: Robot Unicorn, Hoofbeasts, Bronies with Benefits, Robot Unicorn Attack, Sexbots, Pony Pals, Heavy Breathing
Dirk/Eridan: Princely Ship
Dirk/Ψiioniic: Mac'n Cheese
Karkat/John: Communism, Hammer and Sickle, Johnkat, CrabCakes, Vanbert, Boyfriendleaders
Karkat/Dave: Knightsmanship, About bloody time, Red Knights, Knights of the Red Table, One Knight Stand, Crab Apples, Movie Knight, Penis Ouija, That Time of the Month
Karkat/Jade: Cats 'n Dogs, Fuckasses Fucking
Karkat/Aradia: Ghost Crab, Rusty Crab, Red Dead Redemption, Time of the Knight, Blood Red, Swearing on the Grave, Bring You Back
Karkat/Tavros: Chocolate Cherries, Bullcrab, Oranges, Red Oranges, Oranges & Apples, Oranges & Cherries, Redbull
Karkat/Sollux: Solkat, Ketchup and Mustard, Crabs and Bees, McDonalds
Karkat/Nepeta: Karkitten, Karcat, Karkatnep/Katnep/Katnip, Kitten Cancer, Catshipping, Sourpuss, Carcino Catnip, Cat-ch the Crab, Christmas, Kitkat, Cat Osmosis
Karkat/Kanaya: Crabby Vampire, Mary Christmas, Bloody Mary
Karkat/Terezi: Adorabloodthirsty, Candy Red, Red Dragon, Blind Rage/Fury, Candy Cane
Karkat/Equius: Sweat and Tears, Indecent Love Affair, Knight Mare
Karkat/Gamzee: Moirails with Benefits, A Knight of Honks, Redpop, Tropicshipping
Karkat/Eridan: A Prince and his Knight/The Prince's Knight, Crab Sushi, Pufferfish, Marooned
Karkat/Feferi: Katfish
Aradia/Dave: Double time, Time Warp
Aradia/Jake: Adventure Time, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Green Skull
Aradia/Tavros: Bullfrog, Team Charge
Aradia/Sollux: Maid of Honey/Honeymaid, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, Primary colours, Strawberry Banana, Raspberry Lemonade, Corpse Party
Aradia/Karkat: Ghost Crab, Rusty Crab, Red Dead Redemption, Time of the Knight, Blood Red, Swearing on the Grave
Aradia/Vriska: Revenge
Aradia/Equius: SadoMasoRoboNecroBestiality, Robolove, Rose and Violets, Pepsi Cola Dark, Iron Maiden, Blue Raspberry
Aradia/Gamzee: Indiana Jonesing For a Fix
Aradia/Eridan: The Prince and the Pauper, Time for Hope,
Aradia/Feferi: The Princess and the Pauper, The Master and her Maid, Time of our Lives
Tavros/John: Breathplay, Breath Bros
Tavros/Dave: Time for Sick Fires, Timetabull, Redbull, Burned disc, Caramel Apples, A Knight and his Page, S'mores, TaDa, Knight Ride
Tavros/Jade: Fairy God ship, Bulldog, Bullfrog, Mint Chocolate/Mint Chocolate Chip
Tavros/Karkat: Chocolate Cherries, Bullcrab, Oranges, Red Oranges, Oranges & Apples, Oranges & Cherries, Redbull
Tavros/Sollux: Sick Firewalls
Tavros/Kanaya: Penut Butter and Grub Sauce
Tavros/Vriska: Pupa Pan and Tinker8itch, Adios Spider8itch, Spiderbull, Peanut Butter and Bitch Sandwich, 8-Bull
Tavros/Gamzee: PBJ/Peanut Butter and Jelly, Bad Rappers United
Tavros/Eridan: The Prince and his Peasant, Bull fish, Hipster PBJ, Torso Bros, Legless Love, Toreashore, Surf n Turf
Tavros/Feferi: Bull fish
Tavros/Davesprite: Red Bull Gives you Wings
Tavros/Aradiasprite: Bullfrog, Team Charge
Tavros/Summoner: 1cest
Sollux/Rose: Bees in a Rosebush
Sollux/Dave: The Birds and the Bees, Applebees
Sollux/Jade: Coding at 3 in the morning
Sollux/Jane: Honey Bun
Sollux/Jake: Double Butler Island
Sollux/Roxy: Long Island Iced Bees, Hackertime, Hard Lemonade
Sollux/Dirk: Honey and Clementines
Sollux/Karkat: Solkat, Ketchup and Mustard, Crabs and Bees, McDonalds, A Knight of Bees
Sollux/Aradia: Maid of Honey/Honeymaid, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, Primary Colours, Strawberry Banana, Raspberry Lemonade, Corpse Party
Sollux/Tavros: Sick Firewalls
Sollux/Sollux: Geminicest
Sollux/Nepeta: Lemon n' Lime, Double Mew Mew, RGB
Sollux/Kanaya: Queen Bee
Sollux/Terezi: Blind Pair, Troll Cops
Sollux/Vriska: Lemons and Blueberries, Blueberry Lemonade, The Psychic Friends Network
Sollux/Equius: Biceps, Hardware Software
Sollux/Eridan: Erisol/Aerosol, Nerd Fight, Complementary Colours, Blinded by Science,Sollux/Feferi: Cuddlefish, Pink Lemonade, Sea-Saw, Bumblebee Tuna
Nepeta/John: Teacup-cakes, Air Shipment
Nepeta/Rose: Octopussy
Nepeta/Dave: Coolcat
Nepeta/Jade: Iced Tea, Cats and Dogs
Nepeta/Jane: Teacup-cakes
Nepeta/Jake: Greenmanship
Nepeta/Roxy: Going Rogue
Nepeta/Dirk: Ship of the Heart
Nepeta/Karkat: Karkitten/Karcat, Karkatnep/Katnep/Katnip, Kitten Cancer, Catshipping, Sourpuss, Carcino Catnip, Cat-ch the Crab, Christmas, Kitkat, Cat Osmosis
Nepeta/Sollux: Lemon 'n Lime, Double Mew Mew, RGB
Nepeta/Terezi: Scratch 'n Sniff, Cardiac Arrest
Nepeta/Equius: STRONG Catnip
Nepeta/Gamzee: Better than Catnip, Dark Purrnival, Catnip Pie
Nepeta/Eridan: Catfish
Nepeta/Feferi: Catfish, Cuddlekits
Nepeta/Doc Scratch: Cat Scratch
Kanaya/Rose: Rosemary, Hot Lesbians on a Meteor, Grimsnark
Kanaya/Jade: Spaceship
Kanaya/Dirk: Rainbow Dash
Kanaya/Karkat: Crabby Vampire, Mary Christmas, Bloody Mary
Kanaya/Tavros: Peanut Butter and Grub Sauce
Kanaya/Sollux: Queen Bee
Kanaya/Terezi: Crimson Dress, See-Saw, Taste The Rainbow
Kanaya/Vriska: Sparkling Sapphires, Dirty Little Serket, Croissants
Kanaya/Gamzee: Clown Hunting, Olives and Wine, Blood thirsty, Grapevine
Kanaya/Eridan: Saw Right Through You, Angler Fish, Sea-Saw
Kanaya/Dolorosa: Now Neither Of Us Will Be Virgins
Terezi/John: Blues Clues
Terezi/Rose: Seership
Terezi/Dave: Cherry Glare, Just in Time, Socially Unacceptable Art, Ironically Red, coolk1ds
Terezi/Karkat: Adorabloodthirsty, Candy Red, Red Dragon, Blind Rage/Fury, Candy Cane
Terezi/Sollux: Blind Pair
Terezi/Nepeta: Scratch n Sniff, Cardiac Arrest
Terezi/Kanaya: Crimson Dress, See-saw, Taste The Rainbow
Terezi/Vriska: Scourgecest, Scourge Sisters, Team Scourge
Terezi/Gamzee: Court Jesters, Juggalo Justice, Blind Rage, Tainted Justice
Vriska/John: Nic-Caged, Do You Reme8er Me, Heirachnid, Con Heir, Spider8reath
Vriska/Rose: Lightship
Vriska/Dave: Blood in the Ocean, Hot Water, Firefly in a Spiderweb
Vriska/Aradia: Revenge
Vriska/Tavros: Pupa Pan and Tinker8itch, Adios Spider8itch, Spiderbull, Peanut Butter and Bitch Sandwich, 8-Bull
Vriska/Sollux: Lemons 'n Blueberries, The Psychic Friends Network
Vriska/Kanaya: Sparkling Sapphires, Dirty Little Serket, Croissants
Vriska/Terezi: Scourgecest, Scourge Sisters, Team Scourge
Vriska/Equius: 8100/Blueshipping, Heirachnid
Vriska/Gamzee: Eight of Clubs
Vriska/Eridan: Lucky Charms, Bad Ass RP Mates
Vriska/Mindfang: Yo Hoes
Equius/John: Heir Force One
Equius/Dave: Knight Mare
Equius/Roxy: Shipping Void
Equius/Dirk: Robot Unicorn, Hoofbeasts, Bronies with Benefits, Robot Unicorn Attack, Sexbots, Pony Pals, Heavy Breathing
Equius/Karkat: Sweat and Tears, Indecent Love Affair, Knight Mare
Equius/Aradia: SadoMasoRoboNecroBestiality, Robolove, Rose and Violets, Pepsi Cola Dark, Iron Maiden, Blue Raspberry
Equius/Sollux: Biceps, Hardware Software
Equius/Nepeta: STRONG Catnip
Equius/Vriska: 8100/Blueshipping, Heirachnid
Equius/Gamzee: Used to be a Ship but Then it Took an Arrow to the Knee, High Horse
Equius/Eridan: Seahorse
Equius/Feferi: Arrowfish,
Equius/Dad: STRONG meets mangrit
Gamzee/Dave: Strawberry Jam, Jam^2
Gamzee/Jade: Clown Dog
Gamzee/Jane: Cannibutter
Gamzee/Roxy: Motherfucker, The Hangover, Mardi Gras, wonkhonk
Gamzee/Aradia: Indiana Jonesing For a Fix
Gamzee/Karkat: Moirails with Benefits, A Knight of Honks, Redpop, Tropicshipping
Gamzee/Tavros: PBJ/Peanut Butter and Jelly, Bad Rappers United
Gamzee/Nepeta: Better than Catnip, Dark Purrnival, Catnip Pie
Gamzee/Kanaya: Clown Hunting, Olives and Wine, Blood Thirsty, Grapevine
Gamzee/Terezi: Court Jesters, Juggalo Justice, Blind Rage, Tainted Justice
Gamzee/Vriska: Eight of Clubs
Gamzee/Equius: Used to be a Ship but Then it Took an Arrow to the Knee, High Horse
Gamzee/Eridan: Clownfish, Where Land Meets Sea, Jellyfish
Gamzee/Feferi: Clownfish
Gamzee/Davesprite: Orange Marmalade and Grape Jam
Gamzee/Grand Highblood: Insane Clown Posse
Eridan/John: Johnafin
Eridan/Rose: Wizard Shipping
Eridan/Jade: Dogfish
Eridan/Jake: Hope Shipping
Eridan/Roxy: White Wizards, Wwizards!, Shipping is Majyyk, Scarf Shipping, Together Alone
Eridan/Dirk: Princely Ship
Eridan/Karkat: A Prince and his Knight/The Prince's Knight, Crab Sushi, Pufferfish, Marooned
Eridan/Aradia: the Prince and the Pauper, Time for Hope,
Eridan/Tavros: The Prince and his Peasant, Bullfish, Hipster PBJ, Torso Bros, Legless Love, Toreashore, Surf n Turf
Eridan/Sollux: Erisol/Aerosol, Nerd Fight, Complementary Colours, Blinded by Science
Eridan/Nepeta: Catfish
Eridan/Kanaya: Saw Right Through You, Angler Fish, Sea-Saw
Eridan/Vriska: Lucky Charms, Bad Ass RP Mates
Eridan/Equius: Seahorse
Eridan/Gamzee: Clownfish, Where Land Meets Sea, Jellyfish
Eridan/Feferi: Cuddlefish, Half-Life, Life has Hope, Fish Kisses, make a wwis)(!
Eridan/Davesprite: Orange Marmalade and Grape Jam
Eridan/Dualscar: Aquariuscest
Feferi/Rose: Tentacleshipping, The Innsmouth Look
Feferi/Jade: The Witches, The Dreamers, Horror Cuties, Tanglebuddies
Feferi/Jane: The Heiresses, Ship of Life
Feferi/Karkat: Katfish
Feferi/Aradia: The Princess and the Pauper, The Master and her Maid, Time of our Lives
Feferi/Sollux: Cuddlefish, Pink Lemonade, Sea-Saw, Bumblebee Tuna
Feferi/Nepeta: Catfish, Cuddlekits
Feferi/Equius: Arrowfish
Feferi/Gamzee: Clownfish
Feferi/Eridan: Cuddlefish, Half-Life, Life has Hope, Fish Kisses, make a wwis)(!
Feferi/Meenah: Piecescest
Aranea/Jake: Skulls 'n' Spiders
Meenah/John: Stormy Seas
Meenah/Roxy: Dreamers and the Dead, Drunken Fish, Beer Goggles, Fish Flambe, Lobster Flambe
Meenah/Feferi: Piecescest
Meenah/Aranea: Hardcore Sweeties, Les8ifins, Gillfronds
Aranea/Meenah: Hardcore Sweeties, Les8ifins, Gillfronds
Calliope/Jane: Key Lime Pie
Calliope/Roxy: Margarita
Davesprite/Tavros: Red Bull gives you wings
Davesprite/Gamzee: Orange Marmalade and Grape Jam
Davesprite/Eridan: Orange Marmalade and Grape Jam
Davesprite/Aradiasprite: Sprite time
Aradiasprite/Davesprite: Sprite time
Aradiasprite/Tavros: Bullfrog
AutoResponder/Roxy: Martini Glasses
Dad/John: John Loves his Daddy, Daddy Dearest
Dad/Dave: Father Time
Dad/Equius: STRONG meets man grit
Dad/Mom: Marriage, Margarita Cake
Mom/Rose: Lalondecest
Mom/Dad: Marriage, Margarita Cake
Mom/Dolorosa: Mothership
Bro/Dave: Stridercest, Major Dirk Sucking
Bro/Grandpa: Foxy Grandpa
Grandpa/Bro: Foxy Grandpa
Grandpa/Nanna: Foxy oldies
Nanna/Grandpa: Foxy oldies
Signless/Ψiioniic: Primary Colours, Ψngless,
Signless/Grand Highblood: Red Sea
Signless/Disciple: The Leader and his Lover, Christmas, The First Ship
Handmaid/Doc Scratch: Omnipotent Trickster
Summoner/Tavros: 1ncest
Summoner/Mindfang: Muddy Ship, Flying Spider
Summoner/Dualscar: Flying Fish
Summoner/Grand Highblood: Sassy Addiction, Horny Old Men, The Grand Summoning
Ψiioniic/Dirk: Mac'n Cheese
Ψiioniic/Signless: Primary Colours, Ψngless
Ψiioniic/Condesce: Literal Shipping, I'm in love with my car
Disciple/Signless: The Leader and his Lover, Christmas, The First Ship
Dolorosa/Kanaya: Now Neither Of Us Will Be Virgins
Dolorosa/Mom: Mothership
Dolorosa/Grand Highblood: Motherfucker
Dolorosa/Dualscar: Planned Parenthood
Redglare/Dualscar: Courtship
Mindfang/Vriska: Yo Hoes
Mindfang/Summoner: Muddy Ship, Flying Spider
Grand Highblood/Gamzee: Insane Clown Posse
Grand Highblood/Signless: Red Sea
Grand Highblood/Summoner: Sassy Addiction, Horny Old Men, The Grand Summoning
Grand Highblood/Dolorosa: Motherfucker
Grand Highblood/Condesce: MoThErGLUBB-ERS
Dualscar/Eridan: Aquariuscest
Dualscar/Summoner: Flying Fish
Dualscar/Dolorosa: Planned Parenthood
Dualscar/Redglare: Courtship
Condesce/Ψiioniic: Literal Shipping, I'm in love with my car
Condesce/Grand Highblood: MoThErGLUBB-ERS
WV/PM: Constitutional Monarchy, Postal Shipping
PM/WV: Constitutional Monarchy, Postal Shipping
PM/Bec Noir: Blackmail, Salt and Pepper
Bec Noir/PM: Blackmail, Salt and Pepper
WQ/WK: Royal Shipping, The Reunited Lovers
WQ/BQ: Black and tan cocktail
WK/WQ: Royal Shipping, The Reunited Lovers
AR/PM/WV: Oreoshipping
BQ/WQ: Black and tan cocktail
HB/PM: Love Letters
Hussie/Rufio: The Real Pupa Pan and his Fangirl
Jake/Dirk/Roxy: Irish Whiskey
John/Karkat/Jake: Shitty Movie Bros
Bro/Lil' Cal/Dave: The Master and his Puppets
Jade/Equius/Nepeta: Furry Shipping
Gamzee/Tavros/Dave: Peanut butter Jelly time
Karkat/Terezi/Dave: Adorabloodthirstycoolkidseverywhere, Tango Terezi
Equius/Tavros/Gamzee: Lunch time (PBJ and Milk)
John/Rose/Dave/Jade: Kids n' Fun
Jane/Roxy/Jake/Dirk/John/Rose/Dave/Jade: Alphabeta soup
John/Rose: Grimdorks
John/Dave: Hammertime, Pepsi Cola, America, Windy Time, Prankster Gangsters, Herolance Bromance, Movie Knight, Brofriends
John/Jade: Prospitcest, Dorkcest
John/Jane: Cakeship, Prancake
John/Jake: Windicuffs
John/Roxy: Do the Whisky Thing, Breathalyser, Saviour of the Dreamers
John/Dirk: Prince of Fresh Air
John/Karkat: Communism, Hammer and Sickle, Johnkat, CrabCakes, Vanbert, Boyfriendleaders
John/Tavros: Breathplay, Breath Bros
John/Nepeta: Teacup-Cakes, Air Shipment
John/Terezi: Blues Clues
John/Vriska: Nic-Caged, Do You Reme8er Me, Heirachnid, Con Heir, Spider8reath
John/Equius: Heir Force One
John/Eridan: Johnafin
John/Meenah: Stormy Seas
John/Dad: John Loves His Daddy, Daddy Dearest
Rose/John: Grimdorks
Rose/Dave: Dersecest, Knightlight, Snarkcest, Sunburst
Rose/Jade: Gun 'n Roses, riflerose
Rose/Jake: Gun 'n Roses
Rose/Roxy: Lalondecest, Wizard Shippers
Rose/Sollux: Bees in a Rosebush
Rose/Nepeta: Octopussy
Rose/Kanaya: Rosemary, Hot Lesbians on a Meteor, Grimsnark
Rose/Terezi: Seership
Rose/Vriska: Lightship
Rose/Eridan: Wizard shipping
Rose/Feferi: Tentacleshipping, The Innsmouth Look
Rose/Mom: Lalondecest
Dave/John: Hammertime, Pepsi Cola, America, Windy Time, Prankster Gangsters, Herolance Bromance, Movie Knight, Brofriends
Dave/Rose: Dersecest, Knightlight, Snarkcest, Sunburst
Dave/Dave: Timelords
Dave/Jade: Bitch in Heat, Time and Space, Christmas, Space Time Continuum, Strawberry Kiwi, Harley Davidson, Mistletoe, Space Jams
Dave/Jake: Super Mario Bros, Adventure Time
Dave/Roxy: Time for a drink, AND NOW YOU ARE BANGING HER, appletini
Dave/Dirk: Stridercest
Dave/Karkat: Knightsmanship, About bloody time, Red Knights, Knights of the Red Table, One knight Stand, Crab Apples, Movie Knight, Penis Ouija, That Time of the Month
Dave/Aradia: Double time, Time Warp
Dave/Tavros: Time for Sick Fires, Timetabull, Redbull, Burned Disc, Caramel Apples, A Knight and his Page, S'mores, TaDa, Knight Ride
Dave/Nepeta: Coolcat
Dave/Sollux: The birds and the Bees, Applebees
Dave/Terezi: Cherry Glare, Just in Time, Socially Unacceptable Art, Ironically Red, coolk1ds
Dave/Vriska: Blood in the Ocean, Hot Water, Firefly in a Spiderweb
Dave/Equius: Knight Mare
Dave/Gamzee: Strawberry Jam, Jam^2
Dave/Bro: Stridercest, Major Dirk Sucking
Dave/Dad: Father Time
Jade/John: Prospitcest, Dorkcest
Jade/Rose: Gun 'n Roses, riflerose
Jade/Dave: Bitch in Heat, Time and Space, Christmas, Space Time Continuum, Strawberry Kiwi, Harley Davidson, Mistletoe, Space Jams
Jade/Jake: Guncest
Jade/Roxy: Lime Martini
Jade/Karkat: Kats 'n Dogs, Fuckasses Fucking
Jade/Tavros: Fairy God Ship, Bulldog, Bullfrog, Mint Chocolate/Mint Chocolate Chip
Jade/Sollux: Coding at 3 in the Morning
Jade/Nepeta: Iced Tea, Cats and Dogs
Jade/Kanaya: Spaceship
Jade/Gamzee: Clown Dog
Jade/Feferi: The Witches, The Dreamers, Horror Cuties, Tanglebuddies
Jade/Eridan: Dogfish
Jane/John: Cakeship, Prancake
Jane/Jake: Prospitcest, SkullCake
Jane/Roxy: Cotton Candy, Betty Cocktail
Jane/Dirk: Fun with Dirk and Jane, Thinking With Portals
Jane/Karkat: Crabcakes
Jane/Sollux: Honey Bun
Jane/Nepeta: Teacup-cakes
Jane/Gamzee: Cannibutter
Jane/Feferi: The Heiresses, Ship of Life
Jane/Calliope: Key Lime Pie
Jake/John: Windicuffs
Jake/Rose: Gun 'n Roses
Jake/Dave: Super Mario Bros, Adventure Time
Jake/Jade: Guncest
Jake/Jane: SkullCake, Prospitcest
Jake/Roxy : Double Pistols and a Wonk, Double Pistols and a Drink, Panache and Stagger, Shotgun, Our Drunken Adventure
Jake/Dirk: Save a Horse Ride an Adventurer, Pistol Pony Rodeo, Peas and Carrots, Skullcap, Ireland, Gunblade, Brokeback Mountain, Applejacks, Popping caps and collars, Portal Panromantics, Portal Pals, Cooling Cake, Broccoli & Cheese, Pistol Pony Rodeo, Sherbet, Pumpkin Rodeo
Jake/Aradia: Adventure time, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Green Skull
Jake/Sollux: Double Butler Island
Jake/Nepeta: Greenmanship
Jake/Eridan: Hopeshipping
Jake/Araena: Skulls 'n' Spiders
Roxy/John: Do the Whisky Thing, Breathalyser, Saviour of the Dreamers
Roxy/Rose: Lalondecest, Wizard Shippers
Roxy/Dave: Time for a Drink, AND NOW YOU ARE BANGING HER, appletini
Roxy/Jade: Lime Martini
Roxy/Jake: Double Pistols and a Wonk, Double Pistols and a Drink, Panache and Stagger, Shotgun, Our Drunken Adventure
Roxy/Jane: Cotton Candy, Betty CocktailRoxy/Dirk: Cat in the Hat, My Little Brony: Drinking is Majyyk, Le Sign, Dunkin Donuts, Passion Fruit and Mango, Dersecest, Sherbert
Roxy/Meenah: Dreamers and the Dead, Drunken Fish, Beer Goggles, Fish Flambe, Lobster Flambe
Roxy/Sollux: Long Island Iced Bees, Hackertime
Roxy/Nepeta: Going Rogue
Roxy/Equius: Shipping Void
Roxy/Gamzee: Motherfucker, the hangover, Mardi Gras, wonkhonk
Roxy/Eridan: White Wixards, Wwizards!, Shipping is Majyyk, Scarf Shipping, Together Alone
Roxy/AutoResponder: Martini Glasses
Roxy/Calliope: Margarita, jUjUbabes
Roxy/Caliborn: JuJuBABES
Dirk/John: Prince of Fresh air
Dirk/Dave: Stridercest
Dirk/Jane: Fun with Dirk and Jane, Thinking With Portals
Dirk/Jake: Save a Horse Ride an Adventurer, Pistol Pony Rodeo, Peas and Carrots, Pumpkin, Skullcap, Ireland, Gunblade, Brokeback Mountain, Applejacks, Popping caps and collars, Portal Panromantics, Portal Pals, Cooling Cake, Broccoli & Cheese, Pistol Pony Rodeo, Sherbet, Pumpkin Rodeo
Dirk/Roxy: Cat in the Hat, My Little Brony: Drinking is Majyyk, Le Sign, Dunkin Donuts, Passion Fruit and Mango, Dersecest, Sherbert
Dirk/Sollux: Honey and Clementines
Dirk/Nepeta: Ship of the Heart
Dirk/Kanaya: Rainbow Dash
Dirk/Equius: Robot Unicorn, Hoofbeasts, Bronies with Benefits, Robot Unicorn Attack, Sexbots, Pony Pals, Heavy Breathing
Dirk/Eridan: Princely Ship
Dirk/Ψiioniic: Mac'n Cheese
Karkat/John: Communism, Hammer and Sickle, Johnkat, CrabCakes, Vanbert, Boyfriendleaders
Karkat/Dave: Knightsmanship, About bloody time, Red Knights, Knights of the Red Table, One Knight Stand, Crab Apples, Movie Knight, Penis Ouija, That Time of the Month
Karkat/Jade: Cats 'n Dogs, Fuckasses Fucking
Karkat/Aradia: Ghost Crab, Rusty Crab, Red Dead Redemption, Time of the Knight, Blood Red, Swearing on the Grave, Bring You Back
Karkat/Tavros: Chocolate Cherries, Bullcrab, Oranges, Red Oranges, Oranges & Apples, Oranges & Cherries, Redbull
Karkat/Sollux: Solkat, Ketchup and Mustard, Crabs and Bees, McDonalds
Karkat/Nepeta: Karkitten, Karcat, Karkatnep/Katnep/Katnip, Kitten Cancer, Catshipping, Sourpuss, Carcino Catnip, Cat-ch the Crab, Christmas, Kitkat, Cat Osmosis
Karkat/Kanaya: Crabby Vampire, Mary Christmas, Bloody Mary
Karkat/Terezi: Adorabloodthirsty, Candy Red, Red Dragon, Blind Rage/Fury, Candy Cane
Karkat/Equius: Sweat and Tears, Indecent Love Affair, Knight Mare
Karkat/Gamzee: Moirails with Benefits, A Knight of Honks, Redpop, Tropicshipping
Karkat/Eridan: A Prince and his Knight/The Prince's Knight, Crab Sushi, Pufferfish, Marooned
Karkat/Feferi: Katfish
Aradia/Dave: Double time, Time Warp
Aradia/Jake: Adventure Time, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Green Skull
Aradia/Tavros: Bullfrog, Team Charge
Aradia/Sollux: Maid of Honey/Honeymaid, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, Primary colours, Strawberry Banana, Raspberry Lemonade, Corpse Party
Aradia/Karkat: Ghost Crab, Rusty Crab, Red Dead Redemption, Time of the Knight, Blood Red, Swearing on the Grave
Aradia/Vriska: Revenge
Aradia/Equius: SadoMasoRoboNecroBestiality, Robolove, Rose and Violets, Pepsi Cola Dark, Iron Maiden, Blue Raspberry
Aradia/Gamzee: Indiana Jonesing For a Fix
Aradia/Eridan: The Prince and the Pauper, Time for Hope,
Aradia/Feferi: The Princess and the Pauper, The Master and her Maid, Time of our Lives
Tavros/John: Breathplay, Breath Bros
Tavros/Dave: Time for Sick Fires, Timetabull, Redbull, Burned disc, Caramel Apples, A Knight and his Page, S'mores, TaDa, Knight Ride
Tavros/Jade: Fairy God ship, Bulldog, Bullfrog, Mint Chocolate/Mint Chocolate Chip
Tavros/Karkat: Chocolate Cherries, Bullcrab, Oranges, Red Oranges, Oranges & Apples, Oranges & Cherries, Redbull
Tavros/Sollux: Sick Firewalls
Tavros/Kanaya: Penut Butter and Grub Sauce
Tavros/Vriska: Pupa Pan and Tinker8itch, Adios Spider8itch, Spiderbull, Peanut Butter and Bitch Sandwich, 8-Bull
Tavros/Gamzee: PBJ/Peanut Butter and Jelly, Bad Rappers United
Tavros/Eridan: The Prince and his Peasant, Bull fish, Hipster PBJ, Torso Bros, Legless Love, Toreashore, Surf n Turf
Tavros/Feferi: Bull fish
Tavros/Davesprite: Red Bull Gives you Wings
Tavros/Aradiasprite: Bullfrog, Team Charge
Tavros/Summoner: 1cest
Sollux/Rose: Bees in a Rosebush
Sollux/Dave: The Birds and the Bees, Applebees
Sollux/Jade: Coding at 3 in the morning
Sollux/Jane: Honey Bun
Sollux/Jake: Double Butler Island
Sollux/Roxy: Long Island Iced Bees, Hackertime, Hard Lemonade
Sollux/Dirk: Honey and Clementines
Sollux/Karkat: Solkat, Ketchup and Mustard, Crabs and Bees, McDonalds, A Knight of Bees
Sollux/Aradia: Maid of Honey/Honeymaid, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, Primary Colours, Strawberry Banana, Raspberry Lemonade, Corpse Party
Sollux/Tavros: Sick Firewalls
Sollux/Sollux: Geminicest
Sollux/Nepeta: Lemon n' Lime, Double Mew Mew, RGB
Sollux/Kanaya: Queen Bee
Sollux/Terezi: Blind Pair, Troll Cops
Sollux/Vriska: Lemons and Blueberries, Blueberry Lemonade, The Psychic Friends Network
Sollux/Equius: Biceps, Hardware Software
Sollux/Eridan: Erisol/Aerosol, Nerd Fight, Complementary Colours, Blinded by Science,Sollux/Feferi: Cuddlefish, Pink Lemonade, Sea-Saw, Bumblebee Tuna
Nepeta/John: Teacup-cakes, Air Shipment
Nepeta/Rose: Octopussy
Nepeta/Dave: Coolcat
Nepeta/Jade: Iced Tea, Cats and Dogs
Nepeta/Jane: Teacup-cakes
Nepeta/Jake: Greenmanship
Nepeta/Roxy: Going Rogue
Nepeta/Dirk: Ship of the Heart
Nepeta/Karkat: Karkitten/Karcat, Karkatnep/Katnep/Katnip, Kitten Cancer, Catshipping, Sourpuss, Carcino Catnip, Cat-ch the Crab, Christmas, Kitkat, Cat Osmosis
Nepeta/Sollux: Lemon 'n Lime, Double Mew Mew, RGB
Nepeta/Terezi: Scratch 'n Sniff, Cardiac Arrest
Nepeta/Equius: STRONG Catnip
Nepeta/Gamzee: Better than Catnip, Dark Purrnival, Catnip Pie
Nepeta/Eridan: Catfish
Nepeta/Feferi: Catfish, Cuddlekits
Nepeta/Doc Scratch: Cat Scratch
Kanaya/Rose: Rosemary, Hot Lesbians on a Meteor, Grimsnark
Kanaya/Jade: Spaceship
Kanaya/Dirk: Rainbow Dash
Kanaya/Karkat: Crabby Vampire, Mary Christmas, Bloody Mary
Kanaya/Tavros: Peanut Butter and Grub Sauce
Kanaya/Sollux: Queen Bee
Kanaya/Terezi: Crimson Dress, See-Saw, Taste The Rainbow
Kanaya/Vriska: Sparkling Sapphires, Dirty Little Serket, Croissants
Kanaya/Gamzee: Clown Hunting, Olives and Wine, Blood thirsty, Grapevine
Kanaya/Eridan: Saw Right Through You, Angler Fish, Sea-Saw
Kanaya/Dolorosa: Now Neither Of Us Will Be Virgins
Terezi/John: Blues Clues
Terezi/Rose: Seership
Terezi/Dave: Cherry Glare, Just in Time, Socially Unacceptable Art, Ironically Red, coolk1ds
Terezi/Karkat: Adorabloodthirsty, Candy Red, Red Dragon, Blind Rage/Fury, Candy Cane
Terezi/Sollux: Blind Pair
Terezi/Nepeta: Scratch n Sniff, Cardiac Arrest
Terezi/Kanaya: Crimson Dress, See-saw, Taste The Rainbow
Terezi/Vriska: Scourgecest, Scourge Sisters, Team Scourge
Terezi/Gamzee: Court Jesters, Juggalo Justice, Blind Rage, Tainted Justice
Vriska/John: Nic-Caged, Do You Reme8er Me, Heirachnid, Con Heir, Spider8reath
Vriska/Rose: Lightship
Vriska/Dave: Blood in the Ocean, Hot Water, Firefly in a Spiderweb
Vriska/Aradia: Revenge
Vriska/Tavros: Pupa Pan and Tinker8itch, Adios Spider8itch, Spiderbull, Peanut Butter and Bitch Sandwich, 8-Bull
Vriska/Sollux: Lemons 'n Blueberries, The Psychic Friends Network
Vriska/Kanaya: Sparkling Sapphires, Dirty Little Serket, Croissants
Vriska/Terezi: Scourgecest, Scourge Sisters, Team Scourge
Vriska/Equius: 8100/Blueshipping, Heirachnid
Vriska/Gamzee: Eight of Clubs
Vriska/Eridan: Lucky Charms, Bad Ass RP Mates
Vriska/Mindfang: Yo Hoes
Equius/John: Heir Force One
Equius/Dave: Knight Mare
Equius/Roxy: Shipping Void
Equius/Dirk: Robot Unicorn, Hoofbeasts, Bronies with Benefits, Robot Unicorn Attack, Sexbots, Pony Pals, Heavy Breathing
Equius/Karkat: Sweat and Tears, Indecent Love Affair, Knight Mare
Equius/Aradia: SadoMasoRoboNecroBestiality, Robolove, Rose and Violets, Pepsi Cola Dark, Iron Maiden, Blue Raspberry
Equius/Sollux: Biceps, Hardware Software
Equius/Nepeta: STRONG Catnip
Equius/Vriska: 8100/Blueshipping, Heirachnid
Equius/Gamzee: Used to be a Ship but Then it Took an Arrow to the Knee, High Horse
Equius/Eridan: Seahorse
Equius/Feferi: Arrowfish,
Equius/Dad: STRONG meets mangrit
Gamzee/Dave: Strawberry Jam, Jam^2
Gamzee/Jade: Clown Dog
Gamzee/Jane: Cannibutter
Gamzee/Roxy: Motherfucker, The Hangover, Mardi Gras, wonkhonk
Gamzee/Aradia: Indiana Jonesing For a Fix
Gamzee/Karkat: Moirails with Benefits, A Knight of Honks, Redpop, Tropicshipping
Gamzee/Tavros: PBJ/Peanut Butter and Jelly, Bad Rappers United
Gamzee/Nepeta: Better than Catnip, Dark Purrnival, Catnip Pie
Gamzee/Kanaya: Clown Hunting, Olives and Wine, Blood Thirsty, Grapevine
Gamzee/Terezi: Court Jesters, Juggalo Justice, Blind Rage, Tainted Justice
Gamzee/Vriska: Eight of Clubs
Gamzee/Equius: Used to be a Ship but Then it Took an Arrow to the Knee, High Horse
Gamzee/Eridan: Clownfish, Where Land Meets Sea, Jellyfish
Gamzee/Feferi: Clownfish
Gamzee/Davesprite: Orange Marmalade and Grape Jam
Gamzee/Grand Highblood: Insane Clown Posse
Eridan/John: Johnafin
Eridan/Rose: Wizard Shipping
Eridan/Jade: Dogfish
Eridan/Jake: Hope Shipping
Eridan/Roxy: White Wizards, Wwizards!, Shipping is Majyyk, Scarf Shipping, Together Alone
Eridan/Dirk: Princely Ship
Eridan/Karkat: A Prince and his Knight/The Prince's Knight, Crab Sushi, Pufferfish, Marooned
Eridan/Aradia: the Prince and the Pauper, Time for Hope,
Eridan/Tavros: The Prince and his Peasant, Bullfish, Hipster PBJ, Torso Bros, Legless Love, Toreashore, Surf n Turf
Eridan/Sollux: Erisol/Aerosol, Nerd Fight, Complementary Colours, Blinded by Science
Eridan/Nepeta: Catfish
Eridan/Kanaya: Saw Right Through You, Angler Fish, Sea-Saw
Eridan/Vriska: Lucky Charms, Bad Ass RP Mates
Eridan/Equius: Seahorse
Eridan/Gamzee: Clownfish, Where Land Meets Sea, Jellyfish
Eridan/Feferi: Cuddlefish, Half-Life, Life has Hope, Fish Kisses, make a wwis)(!
Eridan/Davesprite: Orange Marmalade and Grape Jam
Eridan/Dualscar: Aquariuscest
Feferi/Rose: Tentacleshipping, The Innsmouth Look
Feferi/Jade: The Witches, The Dreamers, Horror Cuties, Tanglebuddies
Feferi/Jane: The Heiresses, Ship of Life
Feferi/Karkat: Katfish
Feferi/Aradia: The Princess and the Pauper, The Master and her Maid, Time of our Lives
Feferi/Sollux: Cuddlefish, Pink Lemonade, Sea-Saw, Bumblebee Tuna
Feferi/Nepeta: Catfish, Cuddlekits
Feferi/Equius: Arrowfish
Feferi/Gamzee: Clownfish
Feferi/Eridan: Cuddlefish, Half-Life, Life has Hope, Fish Kisses, make a wwis)(!
Feferi/Meenah: Piecescest
Aranea/Jake: Skulls 'n' Spiders
Meenah/John: Stormy Seas
Meenah/Roxy: Dreamers and the Dead, Drunken Fish, Beer Goggles, Fish Flambe, Lobster Flambe
Meenah/Feferi: Piecescest
Meenah/Aranea: Hardcore Sweeties, Les8ifins, Gillfronds
Aranea/Meenah: Hardcore Sweeties, Les8ifins, Gillfronds
Calliope/Jane: Key Lime Pie
Calliope/Roxy: Margarita
Davesprite/Tavros: Red Bull gives you wings
Davesprite/Gamzee: Orange Marmalade and Grape Jam
Davesprite/Eridan: Orange Marmalade and Grape Jam
Davesprite/Aradiasprite: Sprite time
Aradiasprite/Davesprite: Sprite time
Aradiasprite/Tavros: Bullfrog
AutoResponder/Roxy: Martini Glasses
Dad/John: John Loves his Daddy, Daddy Dearest
Dad/Dave: Father Time
Dad/Equius: STRONG meets man grit
Dad/Mom: Marriage, Margarita Cake
Mom/Rose: Lalondecest
Mom/Dad: Marriage, Margarita Cake
Mom/Dolorosa: Mothership
Bro/Dave: Stridercest, Major Dirk Sucking
Bro/Grandpa: Foxy Grandpa
Grandpa/Bro: Foxy Grandpa
Grandpa/Nanna: Foxy oldies
Nanna/Grandpa: Foxy oldies
Signless/Ψiioniic: Primary Colours, Ψngless,
Signless/Grand Highblood: Red Sea
Signless/Disciple: The Leader and his Lover, Christmas, The First Ship
Handmaid/Doc Scratch: Omnipotent Trickster
Summoner/Tavros: 1ncest
Summoner/Mindfang: Muddy Ship, Flying Spider
Summoner/Dualscar: Flying Fish
Summoner/Grand Highblood: Sassy Addiction, Horny Old Men, The Grand Summoning
Ψiioniic/Dirk: Mac'n Cheese
Ψiioniic/Signless: Primary Colours, Ψngless
Ψiioniic/Condesce: Literal Shipping, I'm in love with my car
Disciple/Signless: The Leader and his Lover, Christmas, The First Ship
Dolorosa/Kanaya: Now Neither Of Us Will Be Virgins
Dolorosa/Mom: Mothership
Dolorosa/Grand Highblood: Motherfucker
Dolorosa/Dualscar: Planned Parenthood
Redglare/Dualscar: Courtship
Mindfang/Vriska: Yo Hoes
Mindfang/Summoner: Muddy Ship, Flying Spider
Grand Highblood/Gamzee: Insane Clown Posse
Grand Highblood/Signless: Red Sea
Grand Highblood/Summoner: Sassy Addiction, Horny Old Men, The Grand Summoning
Grand Highblood/Dolorosa: Motherfucker
Grand Highblood/Condesce: MoThErGLUBB-ERS
Dualscar/Eridan: Aquariuscest
Dualscar/Summoner: Flying Fish
Dualscar/Dolorosa: Planned Parenthood
Dualscar/Redglare: Courtship
Condesce/Ψiioniic: Literal Shipping, I'm in love with my car
Condesce/Grand Highblood: MoThErGLUBB-ERS
WV/PM: Constitutional Monarchy, Postal Shipping
PM/WV: Constitutional Monarchy, Postal Shipping
PM/Bec Noir: Blackmail, Salt and Pepper
Bec Noir/PM: Blackmail, Salt and Pepper
WQ/WK: Royal Shipping, The Reunited Lovers
WQ/BQ: Black and tan cocktail
WK/WQ: Royal Shipping, The Reunited Lovers
AR/PM/WV: Oreoshipping
BQ/WQ: Black and tan cocktail
HB/PM: Love Letters
Hussie/Rufio: The Real Pupa Pan and his Fangirl
Jake/Dirk/Roxy: Irish Whiskey
John/Karkat/Jake: Shitty Movie Bros
Bro/Lil' Cal/Dave: The Master and his Puppets
Jade/Equius/Nepeta: Furry Shipping
Gamzee/Tavros/Dave: Peanut butter Jelly time
Karkat/Terezi/Dave: Adorabloodthirstycoolkidseverywhere, Tango Terezi
Equius/Tavros/Gamzee: Lunch time (PBJ and Milk)
John/Rose/Dave/Jade: Kids n' Fun
Jane/Roxy/Jake/Dirk/John/Rose/Dave/Jade: Alphabeta soup